Thursday, 7 July 2016

Summer morning

Front of the cottage this morning. Hollyhocks grow really well here and during the summer, people strolling up the road often comment on them.
down the path and through the gate
a new arrival, photo does not do the colour justice!
just about to break out!
A little alcove inside with our new ceramic 'thing'.
Latest felted cushion cover with loads of texture.

Embroidered hanging inspired by the amazing Jessie Chorley. Picture quality awful, blame camera, but it says 'all was peaceful, the clock ticked tocked as the last page turned'.  Visited Jessie's shop at 158a Columbia Road recently and met the talented lady herself. She was quietly sewing and spent time talking with me which was lovely. Purchased an indigo dyed vintage, patched and stitched smock, a beautiful apron made by Jessie's mum and a few other goodies too.  Am booked on to the Altered Journal workshop in August, can't wait!

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Imbolc, return of the maiden

Imbolc,  the goddess returns to the land as the maiden. The quickening of the year, the first stirrings of Spring in the womb of Mother Earth. A candle for the fire festival of Brigid.

A felted snowy white bag I made to store kindling to keep our fire burning.  This could easily belong to Mrs yeti.